MAIN CONTENTS OF ESS -New scheme for new and existiong entreprenures filed part 1 after 31/03/2012
Entitlement of a successful applicant
3. Entitlement in the scheme shall be
limited to an amount of Rs. 30.00 (Thirty) lakhs per applicant unit to be
availed only once. The upper limit of
Rs. 30.00 (Thirty) lakhs shall be enhanced by 5% per annum during the period of
operation of the scheme to address the escalation of costs. Subject to this maximum limit the assistance
shall be limited to the fixed percentage of the composite investment upon
(a) land,
(b) land development costs,
(c) building and improvement
charges on existing building,
(d) essential office
(e) fixed cost of plant and
(e) electrification,
(f) generators and associated
equipment e.g. invertors
All testing and pollution
control equipments shall also be eligible for computing the composite
investment cost. Working capital and recurring costs shall not be eligible.
4. Out of all eligible applicants, 30% of
the earmarked assistance shall be reserved for micro enterprises. Only in case
of insufficiency of qualified applicants in the micro category, small and
medium enterprises shall be considered. The following categories of applicants
shall be preferred in the manner mentioned in the following paragraphs.
5. An assistance of 15% limited to Rs. 20.00
(Twenty) lakhs will be payable on the fixed capital investment of all micro, small and medium enterprises
set up in the State except those mentioned in paras 10 and 11.
All micro, small and medium enterprises established by
entrepreneurs belonging to Women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and
Young entrepreneurs shall be eligible for an assistance of 20% of the fixed
capital investment limited to Rs. 30.00 (Thirty) lakhs.
The following have been declared as priority industries
and all units, micro, small, medium enterprises included under priority sector
shall be eligible for an additional assistance of 10% of the fixed capital
investment subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 (Ten) lakhs or as notified in the
specific incentives announced for the sector from time to time.
Rubber based industries
Agro based and food processing industries
Readymade Garments
Industries manufacturing equipments and machinery for Non-conventional
energy generation
Bio Technology based industries
100% Export Oriented Units
Bio degradable plastic industries
Plastic waste recycling industries
Bio fertiliser industries
In the case of all micro, small and medium enterprises
set up in the districts of Idukki, Wayanad, Kasaragode and Pathanamthitta,
there shall be an additional assistance of 10% of the fixed capital investment
subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 (Ten) lakhs.
In the case of micro, small and medium industrial units
set up after acquiring new technology from approved research institutions,
recognized as such by State or Central Government, there shall be an additional
assistance of 10% of the fixed capital investment subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00
(Ten) lakhs.
Assistance to any unit which has already received any
subsidy or grant earlier under other schemes, from other Government Agencies,
any State owned financial institution shall be limited to the balance remaining
eligible assistance payable under the Entrepreneur Support Scheme. For eg. any
unit which has availed assistance from such agencies or statutory Boards like
MPEDA, Spices Board, Rubber Board, local bodies, etc. will be eligible for assistance
limited to the balance remaining eligible assistance payable under the
Entrepreneur Support Scheme. However an industrial unit which availed Margin
Money Loan from Industries Department is eligible for assistance under
Entrepreneur Support Scheme. In case the unit had availed start up support
earlier, only the balance remaining eligible assistance will be admitted to the
The industries included in the Negative List and notified as such from time to
time, Government controlled industries, public sector undertakings, units
started by Government controlled agencies, units financed by KVIC/KVIB etc.
shall not be eligible for any assistance under these rules.
देशभर में लागू हुआ खाद्य सुरक्षा कानून